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Crack! The eyeball became a severed hand, which flipped over and began to creep along the floor like a crab.

Harry waited for the blow to fall.

¡°The incantation is this ¡ª¡± Lupin cleared his throat. ¡°Expecto patronum!¡±

¡°Are you going to report me?¡± Harry asked her, grinning.

The food was delicious; even Hermione and Ron, who were full to bursting with Honeydukes sweets, managed second helpings of everything. Harry kept glancing at the staff table. Professor Lupin looked cheerful and as well as he ever did; he was talking animatedly to tiny little Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher. Harry moved his eyes along the table, to the place where Snape sat. Was he imagining it, or were Snape's eyes flickering toward Lupin more often than was natural?

It was one o'clock in the morning. Harry's stomach gave a funny jolt. He had been thirteen years old, without realizing it, for a whole hour.

¡°That's enough, now,¡± said Mrs. Weasley.

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